007 Electricians
Welcome to 007 Electricians, a one stop-solution to all your electrical installation, repair or testing services. A reliable provider to all major and minor electric mishap occurring in domestic, commercial or industrial units based in Kenilworth, Rugby, Leamington Spa, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire and its neighbouring parts. A fully accredited firm ready to offer its clients with high-end solutions to different problems arising in electrical sphere as emergency black-out, rewiring, PAT testing, installation of alarms, new plug-ins and socket fittings with minimal inconvenience in Warwick, Daventry, Southam, Coventry, Rugby, Leamington Spa and Stratford upon Avon. Our electricians are available 24x7, in case of emergency. Our repairs and fittings are quite reasonable and long-lasting in nature. If facing any electrical problem in home or office, call us right away, we will be at your door steps in minutes.

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